Volunteer for a day and discover that it is very easy to make a difference in the life of someone else.


Burendag in Mariaberg
Sports, games, facepaint, cotton candy! Enjoy a great day together with the Mariaberg. Discover how much fun it is to give time to someone as part of the national Neighbourhood Day. Sign up below to take part of our Big Volunteer Day of September 23. Lunch will be available during the event!



12:15   Welcome

12:30   Info and set-up

13:00   Start project

16:00   End project



The event in Mariaberg will be in the area referred to as the “Blauwe Loper” in Maastricht. As long as there is good weather, they will be set up outside on the Heimoweg, so volunteers can go to the street in front of the house at Heimoweg 15.


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