About Serve the City
Asylum seekers, the elderly, people in need, victims of abuse.
We know them by their needs. What if we knew them by name?
We know them by their needs. What if we knew them by name?
Serve the City connects the city by helping each other
Serve the City aims to connect people in the city by helping each other. Serve the City Maastricht helps people in adverse circumstances through sports, games, music and much more. We organize meaningful opportunities for you as a volunteer to be involved in your own city. With a small act of kindness, we can make a big difference in someone else’s life.
A beauty salon for people with special needs, children baking cookies with the elderly, building a children’s corner with the residents of a crisis shelter, setting up a community garden with young people, playing volleyball with the residents of the asylum seekers’ center, giving out free hugs in the city… there are a lot of ways to reach out to people! Join us, volunteer for a day and discover that it is very easy to make a difference in the life of someone else.
Serve the City Maastricht connects the city by helping each other and this since 2015. Serve the City Maastricht is a part of a worldwide volunteer movement that aims to help people in need in a practical way. We work with local organizations that help people in need and we provide meaningful opportunities for volunteers to get involved in their city. Serve the city organizes projects where volunteers can make a meaningful difference in their environment. Serve the City wants to show people that with a small gesture you can make a big impact for your fellow man. Serve the City was set up in Brussels in 2005 and has since grown into a network of 65 cities around the world, including Maastricht.
Who we serve

Asylum Seekers


Children in need

Victims of abuse
“Seeing people in need and doing nothing, that’s impossible. Taking action, that’s what it’s all about”, says Carlton Deal, the director and driving force of the NGO Serve the City.
Helping people in need
Serve the City aims to connect the people of the city by helping each other. We want to help people who are in need, regardless of their ethnic background, religion or social status. We do not want to limit ourselves to a specific group of people seeking help, but we want to reach out to all kinds of people groups in Maastricht. This includes children, the elderly, refugees, disadvantaged families and people with special needs; anyone for whom we can mean something and with whom we can “connect our city by helping each other”.
Volunteer for a day
Serve the City organizes meaningful opportunities for you as a volunteer to be involved in your own city. We hope that by ‘helping each other”, people can connect with other people who they may not come across otherwise. Elderly people can get in contact with students, disadvantaged people can connect with asylum seekers, and children with special needs and visitors can get to know the citizens of Maastricht. With a small act of kindness you can make a big difference in someone’s life. We believe that making these connections contributes to helping the city flourish.
Collaborating with Social Organizations in Maastricht
Serve the City Maastricht cooperates with social organizations which offer help to people in need such as care homes, group shelters and the refugee center. We believe that our aid is more impactful when we cooperate with various other local social organizations. These organizations see and know where in the city help is most needed; we would like to help in those places.